Bara tala - to learn and practice Icelandic
BHM is offering a subscription to active members free of charge to them.
BHM is offering a subscription to active members free of charge to them.
Bara tala is an interactive and easy new way to learn Icelandic. The app is a virtual Icelandic teacher utilizing AI and Icelandic language technology.
BHM is offering active members of BHM´s member unions a subscription to the Bara tala app free of charge to them. The offer is subject to availability as BHM has bought a fixed number of access passes.
With this solution, users can practice conversations in a safe environment. The application can listen to users speak, help them with pronunciation, and offer feedback in real time. With Bara tala, you can practice Icelandic wherever and whenever.
You sign up by clicking the button above ,,Skráning á viðburð" (if you are not signed in to Mínar síður you will have to sign in to register). After you sign up, you will have to wait for a few days before your account is activated. You will receive an e-mail notifying you when you can start learning and practicing with Bara tala, the e-mail will be sent to the e-mail account you have input on Mínar síður BHM.
You can download and start using the limited version until you have full access here; Bara tala on Google Play and in App Store
Below there are two videos, the first is an introduction to Bara tala and in the one below that there are instructions as to how you download and start using Bara tala.
Bara tala er stafrænn íslenskukennari sem byggir á gervigreind og íslenskri máltækni.
BHM býður félagsfólki aðildarfélaga sinna upp á aðgang að forritinu því að kostnaðarlausu. Fjöldi aðganga er þó takmarkaður.
Með notkun sjónrænna vísbendinga og mynda geta notendur auðveldlega bætt orðaforða sinn, hlustunarfærni, framburð og minni, sem gefur aukið sjálfstraust þegar íslenska er töluð.
Eftir skráningu munu líða nokkrir dagar þar til aðgangurinn er virkjaður, þú færð tölvupóst þess efnis á netfangið sem þú hefur gefið upp á Mínum síðum.
Hægt er að hlaða forritinu niður og nota prufuútgáfu þar til fullur aðgangur fæst hér: ; Bara tala á Google Play og í App Store